A Great Time to Visit
September is one of the best times of year to visit Lanzarote – it’s only barely cooler than August (half a degree), and the strong summer wind starts to weaken (especially towards the end of the month). This time of year is particularly popular with couples, and it’s easy to see why: the weather is great, and the flight prices are a little cheaper than the school-holiday prices of July and August.

Daytime Highs
The average daytime high temperature in September is 28.6°C (Airport), though this will likely be closer to 30°C in the large south-facing resorts such as Puerto del Carmen. The highest temperature ever recorded in September at Lanzarote Airport is 40.5°C, and there will typically be several days that reach the low 30s°C during the month.
Nighttime Temperatures
Temperatures normally drop to 20 – 21°C at night – perfect for outdoor dining and socialising. Some nights may be warmer – especially in the urban areas, so booking accommodation with Air Conditioning is advisable at this time of year.
After the extreme drought of the previous three months, there is an average of one day with rain during September. The median total precipitation for the month is just 0.3mm and there is often no rain at all during September. That said, there was 53.1mm of rain in a single week in September 2022 – the same as the whole year combined up to that date. In summary, it likely won’t rain at all, but a torrential downpour is not impossible either.
The average wind speed during September at Lanzarote Airport is 21.5kmph, which is down considerably from the windy months of July and August. There may well be some completely still days – particularly towards the end of the month, but if you hate the wind, then look for south-facing coasts sheltered from the North-easterly breeze. If you are in a windy area, be aware that its cooling effect can lead to you becoming sunburnt without realising it.
Sea Temperature
The sea around Lanzarote is at its warmest in September with a median temperature of 22 – 23°C. In some years this can reach 24°C, and can be even warmer at beaches with shallow water.
Aemet.es Weather forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency
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