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Spanish (similar to South American dialect)

Constitutional monarchy (Spain)

Connector Type: RJ11 plug
GSM Type: GSM 900/1800 networks

Connector type: Generally round two-pin plugs
Voltage Info: 220 volts AC, 50Hz.

Important Telephone Numbers
Emergency Services: 112
Arrecife General Hospital: 928 595 000
Ireland Consolate: 922 245 671
UK Consolate: 928 267 774
German Consulate: 928 275 700
Netherlands: 928 242 382
Lanzarote Airport: 928 846 000
Stolen Credit Card Phone: 915 192 100

Central Reservation: 928 524 222

Bus Services
Click here for Bus timetables.

Time Zone
GMT (GMT + 1 from last Sunday in March to Saturday before last Sunday in October).

Island Statistics
Population: 106255
Area:846 km²
Tourist Figures (2000): 1801201


Visa Information
EU passport holders do not require a Visa.
US, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and Israeli citizens may enter Spain as tourists without a visa and stay up to 90 days.

No vaccinations required unless you have come from a yellow fever infected area.

Banking Hours
Banks are usually open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.00pm.

Weights and Measurements System

Roman Catholic

Duty Free Status
The Canary Islands enjoy a special Duty Free status, making Tobacco, Perfume and Alcohol much cheaper than elsewhere in the EU.
Prices are often much better in the resorts than in the Airport or on the Aeroplane itself.
Tobacco allowance is 200 Cigarettes OR 250grms Tobacco OR 50 Cigars.
Alcohol Allowance is 1 Litre of Spirits OR 2 Litres of Sparkling or fortified wine PLUS 2 litres of still wine.
60cc of Perfume OR 250cc of Eau de Toilet.

  1. Leeann

    I’m travelling from the UK to lanzarote. I’m wanting to purchase 4 different perfumes from duty free going out. Will i be able to bring these back to the UK?

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