October Weather in Lanzarote

The Best Time of Year to visit?

For many, October is the best time of year to visit the island: the days are still warm, the nights not yet cool, the wind has died down, and the large summer crowds are gone. There is a chance of rain, especially towards the end of the month, but it’s easy to see why this is a great time to visit. Having said that, personal experience tells me that a distinct change from the summer weather pattern to cloudier winter weather usually happens between the last week in October and the second or third week of November.

Playa de la Concha, La Graciosa with Montaña Clara in the background.
Playa de la Concha, La Graciosa with Montaña Clara in the background.

Daytime High Temperatures

The average daytime maximum temperature during October is 26.7°C, with some days reaching the low 30s. The record high for October is 37.3°C – recorded on the 5th of the month in 2015. These figures are all for the airport, and temperatures in the main resort towns such as Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca are often warmer.

Temperatures at Night

Temperatures remain relatively warm at night in October with average nighttime minimums of 19.4°C. Again, there can be a seasonal change towards the end of the month, and the lowest ever temperature recorded in October is 12°C (recorded on the 25th of the month in 1974). So, if you are travelling to Lanzarote early in October, you can expect 20°C evenings, but if you plan on travelling towards the end of the month, pack a light jacket or cardigan just in case.


This being Lanzarote, it may not rain at all, however, on average there are 3 or 4 days of rain in October. The average total precipitation is 9.9mm, but the mean is just 3.2mm – revealing the erratic variability in rainfall at this time of year. To summarise: it may rain on a couple of days, or it might not rain at all during the entire month.


There are some clouds in the sky on most days during October – especially in the north and during the morning. On average there are 2.6 completely overcast days during the month, more likely towards the end of the month.


October is one of the least windy months of the year in Lanzarote and there are often some completely still days.

Sea Temperatures

The sea temperature remains near its peak temperature for the year at about 23 or 24 degrees Celsius in October – perfect for a refreshing dip on a warm day.


Aemet.es Weather forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency

Overview of the climate in Lanzarote

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