Daytime Highs
In June, temperatures typically reach between 26 and 27°C. Some days will be hotter, and there are usually a couple of days that hit 30°C. The record high for the month at the Airport is 40.7°C – recorded on the 21st of June 2011.
Nighttime Lows
Temperatures drop to around 19°C at night – very pleasant for enjoying a meal on a terrace. The coldest night of the month is usually over 16°C, so it is unlikely that you will need to pack a jacket at this time of year. The lowest nighttime temperature ever recorded in June was 12.4°C back in 1975.
In a word: unlikely. The median total precipitation in June is close to zero and, on average, there is less than one day with rain in June. The highest amount of days with rain ever recorded in June was three, and the norm is for no rain at all.
June tends to be very sunny, though there are some clouds in the sky on most days (often in the morning or out to sea in the afternoon). As usual, the north-west of the island tends to be cloudier than the south. On average, there is about one totally overcast day during the month of June.
The summer trade winds start to become established in June, and the wind usually picks up towards the end of the month. The average wind speed for the month (at Lanzarote Airport) is 25kmph. Costa Teguise tends to be windy (which is why it’s popular with windsurfers), while Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca are more sheltered.
Sea Temperature
The sea is still surprisingly cool at this time of year at about 20°C (a similar temperature to November). That said, some beaches have warmer water than others: Playa Grande in Puerto del Carmen tends to heat up nicely on sunny days, and the shallow lagoons at Caleton Blanco also heat up nicely in the sunshine.
Aemet.es Weather forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency
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